Hamilton Dentist

Dental Implants

Replace missing teeth and get a natural looking smile that last a lifetime.

Using Dental Implants To Replace Missing Teeth

Does your smile embarrass you because of missing teeth, or do you have one or more that are missing? Today there is a a better solution known as dental implants, instead of having to rely on dentures, as many have in the past.

Dental Implants – What are they?

A dental implant is just a man made root, to put it in terms that are simple. It is set into your jaw bone, and is made of titanium, generally. Then a porcelain crown is set into the abutment that has been screwed into the implant. Dental implants can give you a beautiful, natural smile and they are very strong.

Missing Teeth And There Problems

Problems can be caused in your oral health, and bone loss is one of those problems…not just their unsightliness. The bone tends to deteriorate where a tooth once was, when it is missing. The shifting and moving of teeth that causes bite problems, can also be the result of missing teeth, which can cause jaw pain and unnecessary wear on the teeth.

Would You Like A Younger Look?

You can actually be made to look older than your really are, the look on your face actually being altered because of missing teeth. Your face can actually start to shrink and be made to look as if is pinched together, when a tooth is pulled or falls out! Sagging cheeks and wrinkles can develop over time.

Dental Implants are absolutely the best possible solution to replace teeth that are missing, even though partials or dentures can adequately address the issue.

dental implants hamilton new jersey

Three Types of Dental Implants In Hamilton, New Jersey

Dental implants basically come in three kinds. When someone only needs to replace one, two, or at most three missing teeth, then what is known as a single tooth implant is commonly used.

An “all-on-four” is what the second type of dental implant is called. Four implants are placed in the upper and lower arch in this type of treatment. A set of dentures that are hybrid are molded to sit atop of the implants, once they put into place. A natural and very beautiful looking smile, as well as a result that is much better, is what this type of treatment gives you.

The dental implant of the third type is very much like an “all-on-four”. In this instance the hybrid denture is screwed in to six implants that have been placed in the lower and upper arch, in place of the four.

The absolute best results for any missing teeth will be given you by dental implants, and the following are three of their benefits:
  • Your natural smile can be retained
  • They are a solution that is long-term in nature
  • Next to your natural teeth, they are the next best thing
Permanently keeping your teeth in your mouth is an added benefit.

Dental implants could be a perfect solution for you, if you wear dentures. Putting your teeth in a glass at night, or messing with gooey creams will be a thing of the past. One again enjoying your food and their varying tastes will be a joy!

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We will be happy to help you fully understand all the questions you might have about the treatment options of dental implants that could best be suited for your case or particular condition. So please give us a call today.