Wisdom teeth, otherwise known as the rear molars, normally push through the gums at about the age of 17 to 25, making them the last set of teeth to come in. There has been quite a bit of controversy in the dental industry, for many years now, as to the necessity of having this set of teeth removed.
If they are causing a lot of discomfort and pain, or they happen to come in too close together, wisdom teeth might need to be removed (extracted), however it is normally just fine to leave them in place, if they aren’t causing any major discomfort or strong pain.
When these rear molars first come in, they are sometimes impacted (teeth that never break through the gums), and they will probably need to be extracted as a normal course of action. These extractions can sometimes be accomplished by simply pulling the teeth, however in many, if not most cases, an oral surgeon will have to cut out impacted wisdom teeth.
Should that time come, you would first need a consultation with the surgeon, where he/she will take some detailed x-rays in order to determine the exact condition of your molars. The oral surgeon will then lay out your options after going over the results of your x-rays, and you will have a choice of using an IV to sedate you if you are going to need surgery, you could simply use a local anesthesia if your tooth is simply going to be pulled.
The very best way for a patient to relax and be mostly unaware of the involved procedure that they will be going through, IV sedation therapy is the preferred method to use when that procedure involves having an impacted wisdom tooth extracted.
Should you choose the option of just having your tooth and surrounding area numbed, using a local anesthesia, you will be fully aware of the ongoing procedure, and it can make you quite uncomfortable due to all the cracking and popping noise.
Depending on the formation of your wisdom teeth, their size and shape, the entire process of removing an impacted tooth can be extremely difficult or very easy. This removal process can be quite painful and time-consuming, if the tooth root tips have been able to wrap themselves around the bone itself.
Once this extraction process has been completed, your dentist will probably prescribe some type of pain medication that should be taken as soon you get back home. Normally there is very little swelling after the extraction, but you will definitely need someone to drive you safely home if IV sedation is going to be used.
In order to ensure the best possible healing for your gums and mouth following the process or even surgery for the removal of your wisdom teeth, your dentist will go over with you all that you need to know. This will normally entail every bit of information that is necessary for the complete healing process.
Please keep in mind that a trusted friend or family member will probably need to be with you the first twenty-four hours following the extraction of an impacted wisdom tooth, in order to be certain that you have recovered sufficiently to care of yourself.
It is also to be expected, that for those first twenty-four hours or so, you will be unable to eat certain foods. Your diet should consist of only liquids and soft foods. However, you will most definitely notice a huge improvement in your mouth and overall oral health once your affected wisdom teeth are removed.